I think I can call myself a writer. I do it a lot. I started my first blog when I was a senior in high school, just before college. This blog began when I was a mom of just my first two children. I have been writing poetry and fiction for as long as I can remember.

I think I can call myself a writer.

My current big writing project is a book. I have been working on it since 2020 (off and on), and I’m in (another) round of editing. Some of it is really great, and some of it is horrible. Revision and editing is a rollercoaster.

Cozy revision time! Just me on the couch with my tea after the kids are in bed.

Recently I had a realization of why this book is also really hard for me to edit: I wrote it in the wake of my miscarriage in 2020 (I have a post about it here). Much of the plot and characters were developed as a distraction for my head and my heart from my sorrow. I’m not sure whether that was a good or bad idea, it’s just what happened. Therefore, these characters and this story has come to mean a lot to me. So, finding problems in it and having to fix it is hard.

Now that I realize the connection between this story and my experiences and emotions, I feel better able to tackle the revision and editing process. Previously it was super depressing. Now, I am motivated to make it really good. Before, revision felt like a personal attack, like I was no good at anything. Now, I’m seeing how things can be better, and that I am the one responsible for making the change, improving it, and presenting something excellent.

My working title for the project is: The Time Traveler’s Hotel.
And if you would be interested in updates, I can work on future posts to update you all about the progress of the book.

Here’s a mock cover for the book I made

Thank you for supporting me.

Soli Deo Gloria

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